P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82


EPL: Events and Announcements

29 July 2024 Are there legal grounds for the parliament to allow construction of new nuclear blocks N3 and N4 at Khmelnytska NPP?

  In April 2024 the Parliament registered the draft Law on location, designing and construction of energy blocks № 3 та № 4 at Khmelnytska NPP (https://itd.rada.gov.ua/billInfo/Bills/Card/43948) №11146 dated 03.04.2024. The main committee – Committee on Energy, Housing and Utilities Services provided its conclusion on 17.06.24, allowing inclusion of this draft law into the agenda…

18 July 2024 Participation of EPL representatives in the conference on war crimes

On July 17, 2024, a conference devoted to the issue of war crimes was held in Kyiv at the Embassy of the United States of America in Ukraine. The meeting was attended by representatives of non-governmental organizations that work in the field of research and reform of the current legal system of addressing war crimes…

11 June 2024 URC 2024 has started

Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC 2024) “United for defense. United for recovery. Stronger together” started on 11 June in Berlin. The event brought together leaders of governments, international organizations, representatives of civil society and business. This year the conference in Berlin is organized by Germany and Ukraine. The conference will take place on June 11 and…

20 May 2024 Introduction to the work of Avfall Sverige – a glance at Swedish Waste Management

  EPL had productive meeting with Avfall Sverige advisor Jon Nilsson Djerf, M.Sc. in their office in Stockholm, while the main office of association is in Malme and has near 25 people of staff. Avfall Sverige – is the trade association for the waste management and recycling sector in Sweden. It was founded in 1947…

18 May 2024 Swedish Environmental Protection Agency – full support to Ukrainian environmental reforms and eagerness to share Swedish experience in nature protection

  EPL representatives met with staff of Swedish EPA in their beautiful and comfortable modern office in Stockholm, which confirms EPA’s commitments for climate neutrality and sustainability and innovations. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency conducts and coordinates Sweden’s environmental work. Together with many others, they work to preserve biodiversity, reduce climate impact and contribute to…

16 May 2024 Meeting Stockholm Environment Institute

In our advocacy tour to Stockhom, Sweden, EPL representatives met with Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), one of the biggest environmental think tank in the world. SEI has its headquarters in Stockholm (Sweden) and centres in Bangkok (Thailand), Boston, Davis, and Seattle (US), Oxford and York (UK), Tallinn (Estonia), Nairobi (Kenya) and Bogota (Colombia). The SEI…

View all announcements and events


Are there legal grounds for the parliament to allow construction of new nuclear blocks N3 and N4 at Khmelnytska NPP?

In April 2024 the Parliament registered the draft Law on location, designing and construction of energy blocks № 3 та № 4 at Khmelnytska NPP (https://itd.rada.gov.ua/billInfo/Bills/Card/43948) №11146 dated 03.04.2024. The main committee – Committee on Energy, Housing and Utilities Services provided its conclusion on 17.06.24, allowing inclusion of this draft law into the agenda of…

The environment is a silent victim of war. How long will this last?

Introduction People destroy the environment when waging wars and carrying out economic activities without taking proper responsibility for it. When there is a need to bring those responsible for environmental destruction to justice, both at the state and international levels, there are more questions than answers. The larger the damage to nature, the more likely…


About us

EPL is a public interest environmental law organization which since 1994 has been protecting environmental rights, supporting, restoring and improving the environment and providing legal help in protecting other human rights, especially those which overlap with environmental rights.

We care about environment in Ukraine and abroad and are concerned about all the risks, threats and dangers which may lead to deterioration of the environment.

At present environmental protection is the hottest problem of the humankind. There is a growing threat not only for human health and well-being but for existence of life on our planet in general.

Work of the organization is directed towards transformation of safe though often extremely polluted environment into favorable for life and health environment, preservation of biodiversity, protection of flora and fauna, stoppage of uncontrolled emissions and dumps of harmful substances into environment and elimination of other negative factors, fight with non-activity as for global environmental issues in general and climate change issues in particular.


EPL is a member of:

Updated documents at the EPL website

16 July 2024 Application of the European Convention on Human Rights for Protection of Environmental Rights and the Environment

The manual constitutes the second edition of the analytical review of the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in cases relating to the environment. The authors analyse court judgments under specific articles of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the content of which was creatively interpreted by the…

7 February 2024 Russia should compensate Ukraine 5 BILLION UAH worth damages caused by military actions TO the Kamianska Sich National NATURE Park

  Case: aimed to recover from the Russian Federation, represented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, in favor of the State of Ukraine, to the State Budget of Ukraine, the damage caused to the environment of the Kamianska Sich National Nature Park as a result of the armed aggression in the…


  The case: regarding declaring illegal and invalid the order of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine dated 04/03/2023 No. 184 “On approval of the list of invasive tree species with a significant ability to spread uncontrollably, prohibited for use in the process of forest reproduction”. Region: Ukraine. The essence of…


Case: appeal of the Conclusion on environmental impact assessment of the planned activity “Development of the Eastern section of the Bilyayivskie primary kaolin deposit, construction of a mining and beneficiation complex with a capacity of 100,000 m3/year, change of purpose of land plots with an area of about 95 hectares”. Region: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia region, Vilniansk…


Social networks:

EPL (formerly Ecopravo-lviv) is a nongovernmental international organization, created in 1994 in order to provide assistance to individuals and legal persons in the protection of environmental rights, to promote the development of the environment protection, environmental education, science and culture.

History of organization

  • 1994 y.
    March 24 – established Charitable foundation “Ecopravo – Lviv.”
  • 1994 y.
    October 14 – created the “Center for Public Environmental Advocacy” with ABA / CEELI.
  • 1994 y.

    – Еstablished the environmental legal library of the CF “Ecopravo-Lviv”

    – Оrganized the conference of the Association of Environmental Law of the EECCA countries

    – Оrganized the conference of the Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide

  • 1995 y.

    – June – founded Environmental Advocacy Journal

    – The CF “Ecopravo- Lviv” became the Headquarters of Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide

  • 1998 y.

    EPL participated in the negotiations of the Aarhus Convention under the auspices of the UNECE, in the process of signature, ratification and implementation in the European project “Doors to Democracy.”

  • 2001 y.
    EPL became the headquarters of the Guta Association.
  • 2002 y.

    – Established Ukraine’s first environmental law clinical program for training legal practitioners;
    – EPL’s President elected the Vice Chairman of the Compliance Committee of the Convention of access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters
    – Started implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Ukraine.

  • 2003 y.

    – Symposium for Judges in Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia.

    – Organization of the meeting of the Steering Committee of the IUCN.Environmental Commission

    – EPL realized the project “Promotion of adaptation of environmental law of the EU in Ukraine”

  • 2003 y.

    – International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) recognized EPL as the center of legal excellency

    – Established cooperation with the Secretariat of the Espoo Convention, Ramsar, Danube and Bonn Conventions and UN Framework Convention on Climate Change with the aim to preserve biodiversity

  • 2004 y.

    – The project “Development of the Center of Environmental Advocacy”

    – The project “Analysis of possibilities to realize the program of evaluation of environmental activity and release of information”

  • 2004 y.

    – DOEN Foundation started support of the environmental public advocacy center

    – Launched the institutional support of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.

  • 2005 y.

    – 25 November – renaming Charitable fund “Ecopravo – Lviv” to International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” (EPL).

    – The project “Enforcement of access to environmental information”

  • 2006 y.

    EPL representative was awarded the most prestigious award in the sphere of environmental protection – Goldman Prize – for strategic case of the organization “The Danube-Black Sea”.

  • 2007 y.

    – The Project “Sanitary protective zones, nuclear safety and climate change» funded by Sigrid Rausing Trust

    – The Project “Access to environmental information in Ukraine: the experience of NGOs and public authorities.”

  • 2007 y.

    – The Project “Strengthening public participation in environmental matters through strategic litigation.”

    – The Project ““Improvement of access to justice in environmental matters through public monitoring of courts”

  • 2008 y.

    – Establishment of the journal “Environment. People .Law. ” .

    – The Project ” Utilization of toxic pesticides in the territory of Lviv oblast in the basin of transboundary rivers Syan and Western Buh”

  • 2009 y.

    – The Project “Public monitoring of the cases relating to environmental rights of people in Lviv and Ternopil regions.”

    – The Project “New legal tools for effective control of pollution emissions”

  • 2009 y.

    – The Project “Stimulation of realization of the right to access to information owned by the state”

    – The Open Society Institute (Budapest) started institutional support of EPL.

  • 2010 y.

    – The Project “Improvement of access to environmental information through stimulation of openness of relevant public authorities”

    – The Project “Stimulating the Ukrainian public to participation in the realization of the European strategy of the Danube region”

  • 2010 y.

    – Winning the lawsuit at the European Court of Human Rights

    – The Project “Legal protection of environmental rights of citizens.”

    – EPL became a member of the Working group “Envint”, a member of WG3 of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

  • 2011 y.

    – The Project “Information and activation of public participation in developing the National Action Plan for the EU Strategy for the Danube Region”

    – The Project “Improvement of legal preconditions and activation of the public for protection of environmental rights of citizens»

  • 2011 y.

    – The Project “Developing preconditions for effective application of the Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information in the Sphere of Environmental Protection”

    – The Project Public participation and transparency in nuclear safety issues”

  • 2011 y.

    – EPL became a member the Climate Action Network (CAN)

    – EPL became a member of ANPED.

    – EPL became a member of The Access Initiative (TAI).

  • 2012 y.

    EPL coordinated the process of drafting Annual report “Public assessment of national environmental policy” in 2003-2012

  • 2013 y.

    – EPL became a member of the Academy of Environmental Law of the International Union for Conservation of Nature

    – The Project ” Enforcing European standards of environmental impact assessment in Ukraine”

  • 2013 y.

    – The Project “Improvement of regulation of environmental component in regional programs in Lviv region”

    – EPL signed an agreement with Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) for realization of the project on building capacity of EPL and providing institutional support for the organization.

  • 2013 y.

    – The Project to develop strategic litigation in Ukraine.

    – The establishment of Ecolitigation National Platform

    – The Project “Strengthening participatory democracy for effective protection of the environment.”

    – Creation of the network of pro bono legal aid in Ukraine.

  • 2014 y.

    – The opening of the office in Kyiv.

    – International Symposium “Human Rights and the Environment in the new Ukraine, in honor of Professor Svitlana Kravchenko.”

    – Launching the clinical program for students-environmentalists.

  • 2014 y.

    – Development of the first version of the electronic analytical system of environmental information.

    – EPL became a member of the European Environmental Bureau (EEB).

  • 2015 y.

    – Start of the projects funded by FOSI, TTF, USAID.

    – Revival of the Guta Association of environmental lawyers from Central and Eastern Europe and the Caucasus

  • 2015 y.

    – Development of the course for judges “Human rights and the environment”

    – Creation of on-line environmental law library.

    – Co-authorship of the draft law of Ukraine “On Environmental Impact Assessment”.

  • 2016 y.
    Development of the on-line course on international environmental law.
  • 2017 y.
    Creation of the Ukrainian Center of Environmental Policy and Action